English telugu dictionary free download pdf format
English telugu dictionary free download pdf format

In the London suburb of Bromley when I took up preparation of the dictionary inearnest I spent four and a half years compiling an inventory of rough entries with draftmeanings. By thetime I left India in 1968 it had filled four manuscript volumes. Those werethe dictionaries that I found most useful at the time, but as they gave no help regarding manymodern words and idiomatic expressions I began to prepare a list for my own use. Galletti's TeluguDictionary (Oxford 1935) is more up to date, but owing to its restricted purpose it containsonly a small selection of words from the enormous vocabulary range of Telugu. Sankaranarayana's Telugu-English Dictionary (first edition Madras 1900) hasnot been effectively modernised although later editions have appeared. Veeresalingam (Madras 1903), but has not been revisedsince then. Brown's Telugu-English Dictionary (Madras 1852)was re-edited by M. Krishnamurti on A Grammar of Modern Telugu2 I began toread Telugu literature and found I was unable to understand many passages without the helpof a Telugu speaker because the existing Telugu-English dictionarieswere thoroughly out ofdate. At Hyderabad in the middle 1960s whilecoIlaborating with Professor Bh. 1 consider the words quoted above to be my justification for undertaking the task ofcompiling a new Telugu-English dictionary. alaa jariginappuDee nighaNTuwulu sajiiwa b h d a k u yoogyamaynapraatinidbyam wabistaayi.' As the renowned linguist Gidugu Venkata Sitapatigaru has said, dictionaries should berevised at least once in every twenty years so as to conform with the changes in a language.Only if this is done will they present a tme image of the living language. INTRODUCTIONsuprasiddba bhaaSaaweetta giDugu wenkaTa siitaapatigaaru ceppinaTLu rnaarutunnabhaaSaku taginaTLu nighaNTuwulu kaniisam prati yiraway samwatsaraala kokasaarisamskaraNa jaragaali. Mooketyee, Oxford University Press Y M C A Library Building, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi 110001 Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Oxford New York Toronto Delhi Bombay Calcutta Madras Karachi Petaling ]aya Singapore Hong Kong Tokyo Nairobi Dar es Salaam Melbourne Auckland and associates i n Berlin Ibadnn Oxford Universirjr Press 1991 Typeset and printed in India by All India Press, Kennedy Nagar, Pondicherry Published by S.K.

English telugu dictionary free download pdf format